FEMA’S ‘Project Airbridge’ Takes Flight With 25 UPS Charter Flights, Dedicated FEMA Distribution Center

Update: 200+ flights added to support Project Airbridge, other healthcare-related missions
Effort is helping meet urgent needs

UPS announced April 17 it’s adding over 200 flights to support Project Airbridge and other healthcare-related missions. A majority of these flights will carry needed supplies to the U.S. and Europe. UPS is shipping personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, emergency room monitoring equipment, test kits and more.

Feb 2020 Trade Deficit Report

The nation’s international trade deficit in goods and services decreased to $39.9 billion in February from $45.5 billion in January (revised), as imports decreased more than exports.

February 2020: 39.9° $ billion
January 2020 (r): 45.5° $ billion